\ Using the INIT word for turnkey applications, an example by t.Porter 2016 \ \ If a word named INIT is found in the Dictionary at boot, the contents will be executed. \ Note, if INIT is a closed loop with no method to exit the loop such as KEY?, reflashing the MCU will be required to alter the program. \ METHOD: \ Create a INIT word which prints a short message and save it to Flash compiletoflash : INIT cr ." init-1 run at bootup " cr ; compiletoram \ rebooting the MCU will print the message "init-1 run at bootup" as intended. But what if you want to add something to the bootup later on, and still want the first INIT to be used ? \ This is easily done, but the executable location of the first INIT word above must be found (note the value will probably be different for you on a different system) \ run "words" and look for the init word at the base of the list, use "Code: XXXXXXXX" in this case 0000404C <--NOTE !! DON'T USE THIS, USE YOURS! \ now create another init word and call the previous INIT word with 'EXECUTE". Don't forget to add a leading "$" as this is a HEX value. This can be done \ as many times as required with multiple INIT's compiletoflash : INIT cr ." init-2 run at bootup " cr $0000404C EXECUTE cr ; compiletoram \ rebooting should print :- \ init-2 run at bootup \ init-1 run at bootup