.. index:: contributing code, user submitted code .. _user.submitted.code: Contributing Code ================= If you would like to contribute your working Mecrisp-Stellaris code to this site for others to read and use, just email it to me at: and I'll add it to the "User Submitted Code" collection here. There are 5 requirements: 1) Add the following HEADER FILE to the start of each submitted code file and edit it to suit. :download:`DOWNLOAD: HEADER FILE` .. literalinclude:: txt/header-file.txt 2) Your file needs to be actual Mecrisp-Stellaris code in text, the same as you upload to your MCU, no markup language, no HTML etc. 3) Try and make sure all dependencies are met/included for your code to run. 4) Everything must be in English please. 5) If you update anything, fix a bug in the file at a later date just email me a complete file as the replacement with the same file name etc as I don't edit submitted code.