.. index:: books, tutorials, forth learning materials, beginner literature, new to forth ?, leo brody, stephen pelc, j.l. bezemer, forth primer .. _books: Forth Books and Tutorials ========================= .. warning:: There is much in these books that will work with Mecrisp-Stellaris and a lot that won't work because all Forths are different in some way. If something doesn't work, don't assume it is you, research the matter further, ask for help on the irc channel or the forum. Modern Forth Books ------------------ Stephen Pelc's excellent MPE Forth Book ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It has some sections unique to MPE Forth, but this is my preferred Forth reference. Linked here with permission from Mr Pelc. http://www.mpeforth.com/arena/ProgramForth.pdf And so Forth ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Copyright J.L. Bezemer 2001-04-06 released under the GPL. I think this is a **excellent Forth Primer**, :download:`download it from this site (pdf-200KB)` Or read it online at https://thebeez.home.xs4all.nl/ForthPrimer/Forth_primer.html .. _sf-html: Mastering Forth ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Paperback – November 1, 1985 by Anita Anderson (Author), Martin Tracy (Author). Recommended by John Walker, the author of ATLAST: https://www.fourmilab.ch/atlast/atlast.html https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0893036609/fourmilabwwwfour The two must read *classic* books --------------------------------- - Starting Forth, by Leo Brody, this is THE BOOK to learn how to code in Forth. It's a bit dated now but still excellent reading. HTML : https://www.forth.com/starting-forth/ Book: http://www.amazon.com/Starting-Forth-Prentice-Hall-Software-Series/dp/0138430799 - Thinking Forth, by Leo Brody This is about problem solving and designing the "Forth Way". PDF, HTML, EBOOK: https://sourceforge.net/projects/thinking-forth/ BOOK: http://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Forth-Leo-Brodie/dp/0976458705 Recommended Forth Tutorials/Exercises ------------------------------------- * Rudiments of a Language: http://www.figuk.plus.com/webforth/En/TutorlT.htm#L12 Forth Book Lists ---------------- http://www.pcorner.com/list/FORTH/DIARY.ZIP/DIARY.TXT/