.. index:: gnu screen, uploading sourcecode, error detection, speed of development Gnu Screen ========== This page describes why I now use Gnu Screen with Forth, and why I believe it is the best choice in a modern Forth based development environment. Historical Forth Development ---------------------------- Historically, Forth used a serial terminal, usually running at 9600 Baud with a file upload facility, such as :ref:`Picocom`. Forth interactivity and 9600 Baud uploads with only Mk1 Eyeball code error checking was fine back in the day, but that day was 30 years ago. Modern Development Systems -------------------------- Nowadays high level languages such as C running via CGB via OpenOCD or SWD to the target chip, are far more attractive than the historical Forth development, even if some of them such as the free STM owned Attolic Sudio require a quad core PC with 64GB ram for a responsive user experience.