.. index:: irc, irc nicks,projects,#forth-hardware-projects .. _nicks: IRC === This page lists the details of some of the regulars who hang out on various Mecrisp/Forth related channels. If you're on a list below (or not on it) and want your details changed/added either tell me on #forth-hardware-projects or email me. .. note:: Speciality: Software or Hardware ? Upper case denotes primary, lower case denotes secondary speciality. #forth-hardware-projects on irc.hackint.org ------------------------------------------- Started 24 May 2021, founder tp. This channel is for hardware people only. You must have a current small embedded Forth hardware project and want to discuss it. Your project must be small embedded, i.e. STM32Xxx, or MSP430 etc (my personal preference is STM32F0xx). No large iron, i.e. RPI, or PC related projects as they are well catered for in #mecrisp If I don't already know you then you *must* announce yourself and provide details for my nick list below. *Strictly no unknown lurkers*. =========== =========== ======== =========== ========================================================================================== Nick Country OS Speciality project(s) =========== =========== ======== =========== ========================================================================================== tp Australia FreeBSD H+s The Unofficial Mecrisp-Stellaris Doc https://mecrisp-stellaris-folkdoc.sourceforge.io tabemann Usa Linux S+h LMT-01 temperature logger leStoppe India Windows H+S PID soldering iron with STM32F030 jsoft New Zealand Linux H+s Forth powered clock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnuvnxjHPXA mecrisp Germany Linux S+h Too many small embedded hardware projects to mention =========== =========== ======== =========== ========================================================================================== Mecrisp Forth ? --------------- Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/mecrisp/ The Unofficial Mecrisp-Stellaris Documentation: https://mecrisp-stellaris-folkdoc.sourceforge.io