.. index:: stm32f103C8,gd32vf103Cx, stm32f103C8 v/s gd32vf103Cx .. _stm32f103-gd32vf103: STM32F103C8 V/S GD32VF103Cx =========================== These two MCU's have totally different CORES, yet many of the PERIPHERALS are identical and both have Mecrisp Forth support, so this is a comparison page. Note re GD32VF103Cx conditional branch range -------------------------------------------- :: Just a small correction: you mention that the conditional branches range is +/-2048 bytes, which is not exact. Since instructions can only be aligned to 4 bytes, or 2 bytes for compressed instructions, the 12-bit offset actually encodes an offset that is in multiples of 2 bytes, which is clever, so the range is +/-4096 bytes. Mecrisp Support --------------- ============ =================== ============ ================================================================================================= MCU Mecrisp Variant Status Tarball URL ============ =================== ============ ================================================================================================= STM32F103C8 Mecrisp-Stellaris Stable https://sourceforge.net/projects/mecrisp/files/mecrisp-stellaris-2.5.2.tar.gz/download GD32VF103Cx Mecrisp-Quintus Experimental https://sourceforge.net/projects/mecrisp/files/mecrisp-quintus-0.26-experimental.tar.gz/download ============ =================== ============ ================================================================================================= .. note:: Mecrisp-Quintus for the GD32VF103Cx is still experimental because the INTERRUPT support is not finalised. Specifications -------------- ======================= ================================ ================================ Parameter STM32F103C8 GD32VF103Cx ======================= ================================ ================================ Architecture 32-bit ARM Cortex M3 32 bit RISC-V Operating Voltage 2.7V to 3.6V 2.6v to 3.6V CPU Frequency 72 MHz 108 MHz Number of GPIO pins 37 37 ? Number of PWM pins 12 ? Analog input Pins 10 (12-bit) ? ADC 1 2 DAC 0 1 SDIO 1 0 USART 3 3 UART 0 2 I2C 2 2 SPI 2 3 Can 2.0 1 2 Timers 4 7 Flash Memory 64kB stated, usually 128kB 128kB RAM 20kB 32kB Peripherals 33 46 Registers 466 1074 Bitfields 3503 7713 ======================= ================================ ================================ Peripherals ----------- ============== ============================================================== ============== ============================================================ STM32F103C8 STM32F103C8 Peripheral GD32VF103Cx GD32VF103Cx Peripheral ============== ============================================================== ============== ============================================================ . ADC0 ADC1 ADC1 AFIO Alternate function I/O AFIO BKP Backup registers BKP CAN CAN0 . CAN1 CRC CRC . DAC 12 bit digital to analog converter DBG Debug support DBG DMA1 DMA0 DMA2 DMA1 . EXMC External memory controller (EXMC) EXTI External interrupt/event controller EXTI External interrupt/event controller FLASH FMC Flash memory controller (FMC) GPIOA GPIOA GPIOB GPIOB GPIOC GPIOC GPIOD GPIOD I2C1 I2C0 I2C2 I2C1 IWDG Independent watchdog FWDGT Free watchdog timer (FWDGT) NVIC Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller ECLIC Enhancement Core.Local Interrupt Controller (ECLIC) PWR Power control PMU Power management unit (PMU RCC Reset and clock control RCU Reset and clock unit (RCU RTC Real time clock RTC SDIO Secure digital input/output interface . . SPI0 SPI1 SPI1 SPI2 SPI2 TIM1 Advanced timer TIMER0 Advanced-timers TIM2 General purpose timer TIMER1 General-purpose-timers TIM3 General purpose timer TIMER2 General-purpose-timers TIM4 General purpose timer TIMER3 General-purpose-timers . TIMER4 General-purpose-timers . TIMER5 Basic-timers . TIMER6 Basic-timers USART1 Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter USART0 Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter USART2 USART1 USART3 USART2 . UART3 Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter . UART4 USB Universal serial bus full-speed device USBFS_DEVICE USB on the go full speed device . USBFS_GLOBAL USB full speed global registers . USBFS_HOST USB on the go full speed host . USBFS_PWRCLK USB on the go full speed power and clock gating control WWDG Window watchdog WWDGT Window watchdog timer ============== ============================================================== ============== ============================================================ ISA Comparisons --------------- ================================ =============================================== ============================================== Description RISC-V Thumb ================================ =============================================== ============================================== Conditional branches * 12 bit signed 8-bit (-256 to +256 bytes) Register Load-Store Immediate A base register Rn plus a 5-bit immediate Peripherals reset to default ? SYSRESETREQ ================================ =============================================== ============================================== * RISC-V Conditional branch workaround: invert the sense of the test and conditionally branch over an unconditional branch with more offset bits. Premade Boards -------------- .. seealso:: :ref:`GD32VF103 RISC-V` RISC-V ^^^^^^ Sipeed Longan Nano ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RISC-V GD32VF103CBT6 Development Board https://www.seeedstudio.com/Sipeed-Longan-Nano-RISC-V-GD32VF103CBT6-Development-Board-p-4205.html $4.90 USD .. image:: risc-v/pics/langan-nano.jpg Wio Lite RISC-V (GD32VF103) - With ESP8266 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wio Lite RISC-V is a feather form factor RISC-V development board Based on GD32VF103, with the onboard ESP8266 Wio Core, it also features WiFi function. https://www.seeedstudio.com/Wio-Lite-RISC-V-GD32VF103-p-4293.html $6.90 USD .. image:: risc-v/pics/wio-lite.jpg Polos GD32V Alef ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Polos GD32VF103 Alef Board – RISC-V MCU Board with 128KB Flash 32KB RAM https://www.analoglamb.com/product/polos-gd32v-alef-board-risc-v-mcu-board/ $2.99 USD .. image:: risc-v/pics/polos-gd32vf103-alef.jpg STM32F103C8 ^^^^^^^^^^^ Blue Pill ~~~~~~~~~ Available everywhere on the Internet around $2USD .. seealso:: :ref:`Blue Pill Rant` .. seealso:: :ref:`Blue Pill Starter Kit` .. image:: pics/blue-pill.jpg