
There is no ready-made support code for partially initialised buffers. Either you use NVARIABLE which creates a fully initialised variable of up to 15 cells length, or you use BUFFER: and partially initialise the values yourself in an init routine.

Quick Buffer Test

For the Impatient.

\ Create the Buffer 'V1', reserve three cells for it.
3 buffer: v1

\ Create word to write to the buffer
: v1! ( data index -- ) v1 + c! ;

\ write v1 to the buffer
0 0 v1!
1 1 v1!
2 2 v1!

\ create read buffer word
: v1@ ( index -- data ) v1 + c@ hex.  ;

\ Read from the buffer
0 v1@
1 v1@
2 v1@

\ Output
\ 0 v1@ 00000000  ok.
\ 1 v1@ 00000001  ok.
\ 2 v1@ 00000002  ok.

Buffer Usage

You are reading a fast 8 bit Analog to Digital Converter and after 16 readings you process the data, but it’s so fast that you only have time to save now and process later, what do you do ?

  1. Use the Stack ? You could, but what if you wanted to collect 100 samples ?

  2. Use a Buffer. Buffers are used to save/fetch data in (fast) Ram and can be made any length for which you have Ram to spare.

See also

For saving INITIALISED data use an ARRAY

16 byte (character) buffer

Create the buffer

Buffers are created in the program as shown with the buffer “data’ below. They can’t be created from within a Word, and they exist only in ram. The $F mean to reserve 15 bytes. (0 to E = 15)

$F buffer: data

Write to the buffer

“data!” takes two parameters, a character (byte) of 8 bits and an index (#) of 0 - $E = 15 ($0F)

: data! ( c # -- ) data + c! ;

$00 0 data!
$01 1 data!
$02 2 data!
$03 3 data!
$04 4 data!
$05 5 data!
$06 6 data!
$07 7 data!
$08 8 data!
$09 9 data!
$0A $A data!
$0B $B data!
$0C $C data!
$0D $D data!
$0E $E data!

Read from the buffer

“data@” takes only one parameter, the index of the data being read.

: data@ ( # -- u ) data + c@ ;

0 data@ h.2 00 ok.
1 data@ h.2 01 ok.
2 data@ h.2 02 ok.
3 data@ h.2 03 ok.
4 data@ h.2 04 ok.
5 data@ h.2 05 ok.
6 data@ h.2 06 ok.
7 data@ h.2 07 ok.
8 data@ h.2 08 ok.
9 data@ h.2 09 ok.
$A data@ h.2 0A ok.
$B data@ h.2 0B ok.
$C data@ h.2 0C ok.
$D data@ h.2 0D ok.
$E data@ h.2 0E ok.

Find the address of the buffer

data hex. 20000530  ok

Dump memory from ‘data’

The data itself can be seen in the memory dump below.

$20000530 32 dump

20000530 :  00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07   08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F  | ........  ........ |
20000540 :  18 05 00 20 20 18 05 64   61 74 61 40 80 23 DB 04  | ...  ..d  ata@.#.. |
20000550 :  A6 33 DB 00 F6 18 36 78   70 47 03 00 30 05 00 20  | .3....6x  pG..0..  |

Second Example, CELLS

Buffer Creation (Cells)

Cell = 32 bits or byte * 4

10 cells buffer: thingamabobs

Create Buffer Access Word

: thingamabob ( # -- a ) cells thingamabobs + ;

Store to Buffer

-1 5 thingamabob !

Fetch From Buffer

5 thingamabob @

The Buffer XT

This shows the Word itself is located in Flash memory space.

' things  hex. 0001677E  ok.

Yet the “base” index address is in Ram:

things hex. 20004E0C  ok.

Show Packed Data

$20004E0C @ hex. F3F2F1F0  ok.

Dump the Buffer

$20004E0C dump16 20004E00 :  002A 005E 008A 00A6 0032 00F6 004E 00A1   0070 0041 006B 00DA 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3  | *^..2.N.  pAk..... |

Proving a buffer only holds X bytes

Thanks to rsoft, mrmobius and rdrop-exit

4 buffer: test here test - hex.
00000004  ok.


You may be able to save and retrieve more than 4 bytes in the “test” buffer above, but the data is going somewhere it probably shouldn’t … “buffer overflow” ! as the buffer will only save bytes in index 0 - 3.