
Millis times any event (like a stopwatch) using the Cortex-M Systick Counter with a Interrupt. Resolution is 0.1 milliseconds. Range is 0.1 ms to 71582 minutes.

This should run on any Cortex-M but check your constants for stk_csr,stk_rvr,stk_cvr and stk_calib have the correct memory addresses. The Systick values below are for a Cortex-M0.

This program was used to calibrate the Interactive Assembly and a accurate Cortex-M0 Delay Word projects.


\ Program Name: f0-millis.fs
\ Date: Sat 12 Oct 2019 12:06:27 AEDT
\ Copyright 2019 by t.j.porter <>, licensed under the GPLV2
\ This program does not require preloaded support files
\ For Mecrisp-Stellaris by Matthias Koch.
\ Chip: STM32F051, Board: STM32F0 Discovery Board
\ Clock: 8 Mhz using the internal STM32F051 RC clock
\ All register names are CMSIS-SVD compliant
\ Note: gpio a,b,c,d,e, and uart1 are enabled by Mecrisp-Stellaris Core.
\ This Program : Times a event using the Systick Counter and a Interrupt.
\ Resolution is to 0.1 milliseconds. Range is 0.1 ms to 71582 minutes
\ Chip is Cortex-M0 but should work on any Cortex-M

\ 8080 STK_RVR !    \ 1ms @ 8mhz, 808 = 0.1 mS @ 8Mhz

\ define systick memory mapping as it's not included in cmsis-svd.
\ Should work on all Cortex-M chips, check values for non Cortex-M0 chips.
$e000e010 constant stk_csr            \ systick control and status register. r/w reset value = $00000000
$e000e014 constant stk_rvr            \ systick reload value register.
$e000e018 constant stk_cvr            \ systick current value register. r/w value unknown
$e000e01c constant stk_calib          \ systick calibration value register. read only, $40001770 for the stm32f0

0 variable ms_counter                 \ 32 bits or -> $ffffffff u. =  4294967295 ms, 4294967 seconds or 71582 minutes
: tickint                             \ tickint: sysTick exception request enable
  %010 stk_csr bis!                   \ 1 = Counting down to zero asserts the SysTick exception request.

: systick-handler
 1 ms_counter +!

: init-systick
  808 stk_rvr !                       \ systick calib for 0.1ms @ 8mhz clock
  %101 stk_csr bis!                   \ systick enable
  ['] systick-handler irq-systick !   \ 'hooks' the systick-handler word (above) to the systick irq

: pretty.print ( -- )                 \ insert one decimal point
 0 <# # 46 hold #s #> type

: millis.reset
  0 ms_counter !                      \ reset the ms_counter to zero

:                         \ read elapsed millis since millis.reset
  ms_counter @                        \ this will be updated by the systick-handler every systick
  pretty.print  ." ms " cr

\ --------------------------Example Usage------------------------------------- \

: do.stuff ( -- )                     \ Measure the time this DO LOOP takes to complete
  1000000 0 do loop

: timeit cr

\ timeit
\ 653.6ms
\  ok.