Plang For STM32f103C8

PLANG is my attempt at a ‘Peripheral LANGuage’ for STM32 Microcontrollers using Mecrisp-Stellaris.

The idea is that the programmer uses PLANG to easily search and find the peripheral Words needed when coding Forth on STM32.

Download is a 85KB tarball with the following contents:

├── STM32F103C8T6.memmap.fs
├── bitfields.db
├── mit-license.txt
├── plang
└── sqlite.readme.txt


SQlite Database

No don’t click away, SQlite is a stupidly easy simple database, no server, no passwords etc, just run the executable :)

Gui Viewers

CLI Examples

Sqlite has its own CLI viewer, nothing else is needed.

List the STM32F103C8 Peripherals in the Database

sqlite3 bitfields.db ".tables"

ADC1    CRC     EXTI    GPIOC   IWDG    RTC     TIM1    USART1  WWDG
BKP     DMA1    GPIOA   I2C1    PWR     SPI1    TIM3    USART3
CAN     DMA2    GPIOB   I2C2    RCC     SPI2    TIM4    USB

Find all Bitfields in the CRC Peripheral

sqlite3 bitfields.db ".mode column" ".headers on" ".width 25 22 20 6 9 9 40" "SELECT * FROM crc"

name                       stack                   word                  access  bitwidth   bitoffset  description
-------------------------  ----------------------  --------------------  ------  ---------  ---------  ----------------------------------------
 CRC calculation unit      -                       -                     -       -          -          -
 CRC_DR                     Reset Value $FFFFFFFF  -                     -       -          -          -
 CRC_DR_DR<<                  ( %32 --  x )                                rw    32         0          Data Register
 CRC_IDR                    Reset Value $00000000  -                     -       -          -          -
 CRC_IDR_IDR<<                ( %8 --  x )                                 rw    8          0          Independent Data register
 CRC_CR                     Reset Value $00000000  -                     -       -          -          -
 CRC_CR_RESET!                 ( --  )               1 CRC_CR bis!         wo    1          0          Reset bit

Find all Bitfields in RTC where the access type is Read Only

sqlite3 bitfields.db ".mode column" ".headers on" ".width 25 22 20 6 8 9 40" "SELECT * FROM rtc WHERE access LIKE '%ro%'"

name                       stack                   word                  access  bitwidth  bitoffset  description
-------------------------  ----------------------  --------------------  ------  --------  ---------  ----------------------------------------
 RTC_CRL_RTOFF?                ( -- 1|0 )           1 5 lshift RTC_CRL     ro    1         5          RTC operation OFF
 RTC_DIVH_DIVH@                ( -- x )             4 bitwidthmask 0 ls    ro    4         0          RTC prescaler divider register  high
 RTC_DIVL_DIVL@                ( -- x )             16 bitwidthmask 0 l    ro    16        0          RTC prescaler divider register  Low

See also


See also


See also

PLANG Reader