Make a Stlink V2 programmer/debugger for STM8/STM32 using a STM32F103
Sometimes one needs a SWD programmer/debugger for a STM project but a commercial ‘board’ such as a Discovery, Nucleo or $5 - $20 Chinese clone programmer isn’t available, so it can be handy to build your own or use a cheap spare Blue Pill type board to make one.
The ST MCU may then be flashed and debugged via SWD using this unit. Note, I don’t use STM8 so that facility is untested in this document.
This creates a “V2J37S7 STM8/STM32 Programmer/Debugger”
My MiniArm Wiring¶
This board doesn’t look like a classic Bluepill , but it is functionally identical with the addition of a JTAG socket and more MCU pins terminated in 0.1” pins. This schematic may be one of these ?

Stlink V2.0 Clone Schematic¶

the following is for a Unix OS.