
See also

SVD2DB V1 Page

The STM32G431xx chip. It’s very cool with four OP amps etc.


  • Ar = Access Rights

  • Bw = BitWidth

  • Bo = BitOffset

  • Address is absolute


Check out all the cool peripherals!

./readdb -L
ADC1           DMA2           GPIOG          SAI            TIM4
ADC12_Common   DMAMUX         I2C1           SCB            TIM6
ADC2           EXTI           I2C2           SCB_ACTLR      TIM7
ADC345_Common  FDCAN          I2C3           SPI1           TIM8
AES            FDCAN1         IWDG           SPI2           UART4
COMP           FLASH          LPTIMER1       SPI3           UCPD1
CORDIC         FMAC           LPUART1        STK            USART1
CRC            FPU            MPU            SYSCFG         USART2
CRS            FPU_CPACR      NVIC           TAMP           USART3
DAC1           GPIOA          NVIC_STIR      TIM1           USB_FS_device
DAC2           GPIOB          OPAMP          TIM15          VREFBUF
DAC3           GPIOC          PWR            TIM16          WWDG
DAC4           GPIOD          RCC            TIM17
DBGMCU         GPIOE          RNG            TIM2
DMA1           GPIOF          RTC            TIM3


Note the 5 bit Gain and Trim settings!

% ./readdb -p opamp -b opamp1 -T
name                            address     ar  bw  bo  description
------------------------------  ----------  --  --  --  --------------------------------------------------
OPAMP_OPAMP1_CSR                0x40010300  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000000  Address: 0x40010300
OPAMP_OPAMP1_CSR_CALON          0x40010300  rw  1   11  CALON
OPAMP_OPAMP1_CSR_CALOUT         0x40010300  rw  1   30  CALOUT
OPAMP_OPAMP1_CSR_CALSEL         0x40010300  rw  2   12  CALSEL
OPAMP_OPAMP1_CSR_FORCE_VP       0x40010300  rw  1   1   FORCE_VP
OPAMP_OPAMP1_CSR_LOCK           0x40010300  rw  1   31  LOCK
OPAMP_OPAMP1_CSR_OPAEN          0x40010300  rw  1   0   Operational amplifier               Enable
OPAMP_OPAMP1_CSR_OPAHSM         0x40010300  rw  1   7   OPAHSM
OPAMP_OPAMP1_CSR_OPAINTOEN      0x40010300  rw  1   8   OPAINTOEN
OPAMP_OPAMP1_CSR_PGA_GAIN       0x40010300  rw  5   14  PGA_GAIN
OPAMP_OPAMP1_CSR_USERTRIM       0x40010300  rw  1   4   USERTRIM
OPAMP_OPAMP1_CSR_VM_SEL         0x40010300  rw  2   5   VM_SEL
OPAMP_OPAMP1_CSR_VP_SEL         0x40010300  rw  2   2   VP_SEL
OPAMP_OPAMP1_TCMR               0x40010318  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000000  Address: 0x40010318
OPAMP_OPAMP1_TCMR_LOCK          0x40010318  rw  1   31  LOCK
OPAMP_OPAMP1_TCMR_T1CM_EN       0x40010318  rw  1   3   T1CM_EN
OPAMP_OPAMP1_TCMR_T20CM_EN      0x40010318  rw  1   5   T20CM_EN
OPAMP_OPAMP1_TCMR_T8CM_EN       0x40010318  rw  1   4   T8CM_EN
OPAMP_OPAMP1_TCMR_VMS_SEL       0x40010318  rw  1   0   VMS_SEL
OPAMP_OPAMP1_TCMR_VPS_SEL       0x40010318  rw  2   1   VPS_SEL

Serial Audio Interface Peripheral

Wow. I never realised that Serial audio was so complex.

./readdb -p sai -T
name                            address     ar  bw  bo  description
------------------------------  ----------  --  --  --  --------------------------------------------------
SAI                             NULL        --  --  99  STM32G431xx: Serial audio interface Peripheral
SAI_ACLRFR                      0x4001541C  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000000  Address: 0x4001541C
SAI_ACLRFR_CAFSDET              0x4001541C  rw  1   5   Clear anticipated frame synchronization
SAI_ACLRFR_CNRDY                0x4001541C  rw  1   4   Clear codec not ready flag
SAI_ACLRFR_LFSDET               0x4001541C  rw  1   6   Clear late frame synchronization               det
SAI_ACLRFR_MUTEDET              0x4001541C  rw  1   1   Mute detection flag
SAI_ACLRFR_OVRUDR               0x4001541C  rw  1   0   Clear overrun / underrun
SAI_ACLRFR_WCKCFG               0x4001541C  rw  1   2   Clear wrong clock configuration               flag
SAI_ACR1                        0x40015404  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000040  Address: 0x40015404
SAI_ACR1_CKSTR                  0x40015404  rw  1   9   Clock strobing edge
SAI_ACR1_DMAEN                  0x40015404  rw  1   17  DMA enable
SAI_ACR1_DS                     0x40015404  rw  3   5   Data size
SAI_ACR1_LSBFIRST               0x40015404  rw  1   8   Least significant bit               first
SAI_ACR1_MCJDIV                 0x40015404  rw  6   20  Master clock divider
SAI_ACR1_MCKEN                  0x40015404  rw  1   27  MCKEN
SAI_ACR1_MODE                   0x40015404  rw  2   0   Audio block mode
SAI_ACR1_MONO                   0x40015404  rw  1   12  Mono mode
SAI_ACR1_NODIV                  0x40015404  rw  1   19  No divider
SAI_ACR1_OSR                    0x40015404  rw  1   26  OSR
SAI_ACR1_OutDri                 0x40015404  rw  1   13  Output drive
SAI_ACR1_PRTCFG                 0x40015404  rw  2   2   Protocol configuration
SAI_ACR1_SAIAEN                 0x40015404  rw  1   16  Audio block A enable
SAI_ACR1_SYNCEN                 0x40015404  rw  2   10  Synchronization enable
SAI_ACR2                        0x40015408  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000000  Address: 0x40015408
SAI_ACR2_COMP                   0x40015408  rw  2   14  Companding mode
SAI_ACR2_CPL                    0x40015408  rw  1   13  Complement bit
SAI_ACR2_FFLUS                  0x40015408  rw  1   3   FIFO flush
SAI_ACR2_FTH                    0x40015408  rw  3   0   FIFO threshold
SAI_ACR2_MUTE                   0x40015408  rw  1   5   Mute
SAI_ACR2_MUTECN                 0x40015408  rw  6   7   Mute counter
SAI_ACR2_MUTEVAL                0x40015408  rw  1   6   Mute value
SAI_ACR2_TRIS                   0x40015408  rw  1   4   Tristate management on data               line
SAI_ADR                         0x40015420  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000000  Address: 0x40015420
SAI_ADR_DATA                    0x40015420  rw  32  0   Data
SAI_AFRCR                       0x4001540C  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000007  Address: 0x4001540C
SAI_AFRCR_FRL                   0x4001540C  rw  8   0   Frame length
SAI_AFRCR_FSALL                 0x4001540C  rw  7   8   Frame synchronization active level               l
SAI_AFRCR_FSDEF                 0x4001540C  rw  1   16  Frame synchronization               definition
SAI_AFRCR_FSOFF                 0x4001540C  rw  1   18  Frame synchronization               offset
SAI_AFRCR_FSPOL                 0x4001540C  rw  1   17  Frame synchronization               polarity
SAI_AIM                         0x40015414  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000000  Address: 0x40015414
SAI_AIM_AFSDETIE                0x40015414  rw  1   5   Anticipated frame synchronization               de
SAI_AIM_CNRDYIE                 0x40015414  rw  1   4   Codec not ready interrupt               enable
SAI_AIM_FREQIE                  0x40015414  rw  1   3   FIFO request interrupt               enable
SAI_AIM_LFSDET                  0x40015414  rw  1   6   Late frame synchronization detection
SAI_AIM_MUTEDET                 0x40015414  rw  1   1   Mute detection interrupt               enable
SAI_AIM_OVRUDRIE                0x40015414  rw  1   0   Overrun/underrun interrupt               enable
SAI_AIM_WCKCFG                  0x40015414  rw  1   2   Wrong clock configuration interrupt
SAI_ASLOTR                      0x40015410  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000000  Address: 0x40015410
SAI_ASLOTR_FBOFF                0x40015410  rw  5   0   First bit offset
SAI_ASLOTR_NBSLOT               0x40015410  rw  4   8   Number of slots in an audio               frame
SAI_ASLOTR_SLOTEN               0x40015410  rw  16  16  Slot enable
SAI_ASLOTR_SLOTSZ               0x40015410  rw  2   6   Slot size
SAI_ASR                         0x40015418  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000000  Address: 0x40015418
SAI_ASR_AFSDET                  0x40015418  rw  1   5   Anticipated frame synchronization               de
SAI_ASR_CNRDY                   0x40015418  rw  1   4   Codec not ready
SAI_ASR_FLVL                    0x40015418  rw  3   16  FIFO level threshold
SAI_ASR_FREQ                    0x40015418  rw  1   3   FIFO request
SAI_ASR_LFSDET                  0x40015418  rw  1   6   Late frame synchronization               detection
SAI_ASR_MUTEDET                 0x40015418  rw  1   1   Mute detection
SAI_ASR_OVRUDR                  0x40015418  rw  1   0   Overrun / underrun
SAI_ASR_WCKCFG                  0x40015418  rw  1   2   Wrong clock configuration flag. This bit
SAI_BCLRFR                      0x4001543C  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000000  Address: 0x4001543C
SAI_BCLRFR_CAFSDET              0x4001543C  wo  1   5   Clear anticipated frame synchronization
SAI_BCLRFR_CNRDY                0x4001543C  wo  1   4   Clear codec not ready flag
SAI_BCLRFR_LFSDET               0x4001543C  wo  1   6   Clear late frame synchronization               det
SAI_BCLRFR_MUTEDET              0x4001543C  wo  1   1   Mute detection flag
SAI_BCLRFR_OVRUDR               0x4001543C  wo  1   0   Clear overrun / underrun
SAI_BCLRFR_WCKCFG               0x4001543C  wo  1   2   Clear wrong clock configuration               flag
SAI_BCR1                        0x40015424  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000040  Address: 0x40015424
SAI_BCR1_CKSTR                  0x40015424  rw  1   9   Clock strobing edge
SAI_BCR1_DMAEN                  0x40015424  rw  1   17  DMA enable
SAI_BCR1_DS                     0x40015424  rw  3   5   Data size
SAI_BCR1_LSBFIRST               0x40015424  rw  1   8   Least significant bit               first
SAI_BCR1_MCJDIV                 0x40015424  rw  6   20  Master clock divider
SAI_BCR1_MCKEN                  0x40015424  rw  1   27  MCKEN
SAI_BCR1_MODE                   0x40015424  rw  2   0   Audio block mode
SAI_BCR1_MONO                   0x40015424  rw  1   12  Mono mode
SAI_BCR1_NODIV                  0x40015424  rw  1   19  No divider
SAI_BCR1_OSR                    0x40015424  rw  1   26  OSR
SAI_BCR1_OutDri                 0x40015424  rw  1   13  Output drive
SAI_BCR1_PRTCFG                 0x40015424  rw  2   2   Protocol configuration
SAI_BCR1_SAIBEN                 0x40015424  rw  1   16  Audio block B enable
SAI_BCR1_SYNCEN                 0x40015424  rw  2   10  Synchronization enable
SAI_BCR2                        0x40015428  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000000  Address: 0x40015428
SAI_BCR2_COMP                   0x40015428  rw  2   14  Companding mode
SAI_BCR2_CPL                    0x40015428  rw  1   13  Complement bit
SAI_BCR2_FFLUS                  0x40015428  rw  1   3   FIFO flush
SAI_BCR2_FTH                    0x40015428  rw  3   0   FIFO threshold
SAI_BCR2_MUTE                   0x40015428  rw  1   5   Mute
SAI_BCR2_MUTECN                 0x40015428  rw  6   7   Mute counter
SAI_BCR2_MUTEVAL                0x40015428  rw  1   6   Mute value
SAI_BCR2_TRIS                   0x40015428  rw  1   4   Tristate management on data               line
SAI_BDR                         0x40015440  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000000  Address: 0x40015440
SAI_BDR_DATA                    0x40015440  rw  32  0   Data
SAI_BFRCR                       0x4001542C  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000007  Address: 0x4001542C
SAI_BFRCR_FRL                   0x4001542C  rw  8   0   Frame length
SAI_BFRCR_FSALL                 0x4001542C  rw  7   8   Frame synchronization active level               l
SAI_BFRCR_FSDEF                 0x4001542C  rw  1   16  Frame synchronization               definition
SAI_BFRCR_FSOFF                 0x4001542C  rw  1   18  Frame synchronization               offset
SAI_BFRCR_FSPOL                 0x4001542C  rw  1   17  Frame synchronization               polarity
SAI_BIM                         0x40015434  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000000  Address: 0x40015434
SAI_BIM_AFSDETIE                0x40015434  rw  1   5   Anticipated frame synchronization               de
SAI_BIM_CNRDYIE                 0x40015434  rw  1   4   Codec not ready interrupt               enable
SAI_BIM_FREQIE                  0x40015434  rw  1   3   FIFO request interrupt               enable
SAI_BIM_LFSDETIE                0x40015434  rw  1   6   Late frame synchronization detection
SAI_BIM_MUTEDET                 0x40015434  rw  1   1   Mute detection interrupt               enable
SAI_BIM_OVRUDRIE                0x40015434  rw  1   0   Overrun/underrun interrupt               enable
SAI_BIM_WCKCFG                  0x40015434  rw  1   2   Wrong clock configuration interrupt
SAI_BSLOTR                      0x40015430  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000000  Address: 0x40015430
SAI_BSLOTR_FBOFF                0x40015430  rw  5   0   First bit offset
SAI_BSLOTR_NBSLOT               0x40015430  rw  4   8   Number of slots in an audio               frame
SAI_BSLOTR_SLOTEN               0x40015430  rw  16  16  Slot enable
SAI_BSLOTR_SLOTSZ               0x40015430  rw  2   6   Slot size
SAI_BSR                         0x40015438  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000000  Address: 0x40015438
SAI_BSR_AFSDET                  0x40015438  ro  1   5   Anticipated frame synchronization               de
SAI_BSR_CNRDY                   0x40015438  ro  1   4   Codec not ready
SAI_BSR_FLVL                    0x40015438  ro  3   16  FIFO level threshold
SAI_BSR_FREQ                    0x40015438  ro  1   3   FIFO request
SAI_BSR_LFSDET                  0x40015438  ro  1   6   Late frame synchronization               detection
SAI_BSR_MUTEDET                 0x40015438  ro  1   1   Mute detection
SAI_BSR_OVRUDR                  0x40015438  ro  1   0   Overrun / underrun
SAI_BSR_WCKCFG                  0x40015438  ro  1   2   Wrong clock configuration               flag
SAI_PDMCR                       0x40015444  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000000  Address: 0x40015444
SAI_PDMCR_CKEN1                 0x40015444  rw  1   8   CKEN1
SAI_PDMCR_CKEN2                 0x40015444  rw  1   9   CKEN2
SAI_PDMCR_CKEN3                 0x40015444  rw  1   10  CKEN3
SAI_PDMCR_CKEN4                 0x40015444  rw  1   11  CKEN4
SAI_PDMCR_MICNBR                0x40015444  rw  2   4   MICNBR
SAI_PDMCR_PDMEN                 0x40015444  rw  1   0   PDMEN
SAI_PDMDLY                      0x40015448  --  --  98  Reset:0x00000000  Address: 0x40015448
SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1L               0x40015448  rw  3   0   DLYM1L
SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1R               0x40015448  rw  3   4   DLYM1R
SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2L               0x40015448  rw  3   8   DLYM2L
SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2R               0x40015448  rw  3   12  DLYM2R
SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3L               0x40015448  rw  3   16  DLYM3L
SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3R               0x40015448  rw  3   20  DLYM3R
SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4L               0x40015448  rw  3   24  DLYM4L
SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4R               0x40015448  rw  3   28  DLYM4R