SWDCOM is ALPHA software, beware of sharp corners!

See also
Swdcom Install for all the details including installation, connections etc.
See also
Swdcom Premade Binaries For those who don’t want to modify the kernel and compile their own.
Forth is one of the oldest programming languages in existence having been developed in the early 70’s. In those days a computer running Forth usually communicated with a serial device, perhaps a Teletype or later a Wyse dedicated electronic terminal to allow interactive development and program uploading.
The availability of the IBM PC in the early 80’s (and other readily available portable computers) allowed the use of terminal emulators such as Picocom, Minicom etc running on the PC itself instead of dedicated terminals.
In the authors opinion. Forth consoles using serial terminals with speeds of 9600 to 115200 baud and no flow control really haven’t been competitive with other embedded design languages such as C for probably 20 years, even taking Forths interactivity into account.
Quite simply, such terminals are impractical for modern embedded development with Forth.
Legacy USART Issues¶
Issue |
Description |
Slow Uploads |
Most Forths don’t go above 115200 Baud |
No Handshaking |
Require ‘end of line delays’or RTS handshaking to prevent the Forth compiler ‘choking’ on uploaded source code |
Dependencies |
USARTS are dependent on the MCU system clock speed, change it and lose communications. |
Dongle |
An external ‘USB to 3.3v Serial Dongle’ is required for most ‘development boards’ |
Reset |
Requires entering ‘reset’ into the Forth console or pressing the target reset button |
Making Forth developer friendly in 2020¶
Swdcom, provides Single Wire Debug (SWD) communications that works with Linux, FreeBSD and OSX, plus offers upload times equal to or faster than the equivalent GCC with Stlink on the same PC. This looks like and works much like a traditional serial terminal but is much, much faster and usually works with just a USB cable.
Discovery and Nucleo Boards¶
SWDCOM works thru the USB SWD connector of a Discovery or Nucleo Board, nothing else is needed because the same connector also supplies target power.
Embedded MCU’s¶
The designer doesn’t need to add a serial port connector, the standard TWO SWD pins, apart from allowing flashing/gdb, also provide the SWDCOM terminal connectivity.
Swdcom advantages¶
Feature |
Description.. |
Common Driver |
Two sizes fits all; works across a range of the same class of mcu free from usart/pin dependencies. M0 or > M0 |
Fast Comms |
faster than a equivalent 460800 Baud serial terminal. |
Fast Upload |
STM32F407 @ 168 MHz with ART-5WS, uploads = 239,4 Words per second |
Pasting |
of multiple line source into the Terminal is problem free. |
256 chr Buffer |
print 428 loops of the “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” to the terminal in under 10 uS on a STM32F051 |
Handshaking |
Inbuilt ACK flow control, no compiler ‘choking’ issues, no RTS handshaking or end of line delays are needed. |
Clock |
Independent of System Clock Speed. Comms doesn’t stop when the clock is changed. |
Uses a single USB cable from the PC to most development boards or a usb/swd programmer for standalone mcus. |
Reset |
Resetting the target MCU is easily done by hitting CTRL+C on the PC keyboard. |
GPIO’s |
Enabling is NOT required for SWDCOM to work, so they are NOT pre-enabled as the Mecrisp-Stellaris default. |
Swdcom is very fast¶
Due to its inbuilt flow control and large 256 character buffer.
What does Swdcom run on ?¶
FreeBSD, Linux, OSX and possibly other Unix based OSes.
Does Swdcom run on Microsoft Windows ?¶
Sorry, no, not as is tho using Linux tools etc it may work.
Does Swdcom run on anything but Mecrisp-Stellaris ?¶
Sorry, no. Even then it is currently only supported on certain Cortex-M0, M3 and M4 models in the supported hardware list but more models may be supported in future.
Suitable SWD-USB interfaces¶
If you don’t have a STM32F0 Discovery board, a STM32F0xx and a Suitable SWD-USB interface like this $5 Chinese one will do instead.

Or you can make your own with a $2 Blue Pill Make your own stlink programmer from a Blue Pill
SWDcom by Jan Bramkamp <https://github.com/Crest/swdcom>
Mecrisp-Stellaris by Matthias Koch https://sourceforge.net/projects/mecrisp/