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Serial Terminal: Hardware¶
Mecrisp Stellaris is programmed via a serial terminal, often running on a PC. Default communication parameters are serial, at 115200 baud, 8N1 and use the on MCU USART.
Serial Terminal Hardware requires Serial Terminal Software to work.
USB-3.3v Dongle or cables¶
USB serial Dongles or cables are usually the easiest way to connect a PC running Picocom to a STM32 Discovery Board. Don’t forget to buy at least four female to female pin connecting cables for a dongle. These are usually available online in bundles.
Unix friendly CP2102 chipset dongle, with Rx, Tx, nRTS,nCTS and other control signals, including +5 and +3.3 volts available on pins or holes for pins or wires to be soldered. Usually under $2 on eBay, and the most useful model in my opinion

Unix friendly PL2303 chipset dongle, with Rx, Tx, 3.3v, 5v available on pins at the rear, but no control signals, unless you want to hand solder fine wires to the SMT chip. Usually about $0.70 AUD each in a pack of 5 on Ebay

USB-3.3v cable. The cable length and flying leads make this a handy unit. About $25 on eBay

signal |
color |
+5v |
Red |
Ground |
Black |
TX |
Orange (output) |
RX |
Yellow (input) |
nCTS |
Brown (input) |
nRTS |
Green (output) |
Don’t use RS-232 cables or you may blow up your Board/MCU from overvoltage
See also
Serial Pin Connection Table For Various Boards¶
These can be be changed in the release sourcecode: mecrisp-stellaris-x.x.x/mecrisp-stellaris-source/your-mcu-part-number/terminal.s and recompiling. The USART in use, and the Alternate Function number will also be listed in the terminal.s source code.
MCU pins for the GPIO’s below will vary depending on the CHIP PACKAGE, so consult your STM32 device electrical PDF, “Pinouts and pin descriptions” Section if unsure.
Board |
Type |
TX |
RX |
MCU USB Available ? |
Notes |
Stellaris Launchpad |
LM4F120 |
UART 0 |
? |
? |
Y |
Chinese QF-LM4F232 |
LM4F232H5QC |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Tiva Connected Launchpad |
TM4C1294 |
na |
na |
Y |
Use connector U22 |
TI MSP432 Launchpad |
MSP432P401R |
USCI 0 |
P1.3 |
P1.2 |
Y |
LPC1114FBD48 |
LPC1114FBD48 |
P1.7 |
P1.6 |
LPC1114FN28 |
LPC1114FN28 |
P1.7 |
P1.6 |
N |
LPC1115FBD48 |
LPC1115FBD48 |
P1.7 |
P1.6 |
N |
STM32F030F4 |
STM32F030F4 |
PA9 |
PA10 |
N |
STM32F030K6 |
STM32F030K6 |
PA9 |
PA10 |
N |
STM32F030R8 |
STM32F030R8 |
PA2 |
PA3 |
N |
Alternate Function 1 |
STM32F0 Discovery |
STM32F051R8 |
PA9 |
PA10 |
N |
STM L053 Discovery |
STM32L053C8 |
PA9 |
PA10 |
N |
STM VL Discovery |
STM32F100RB |
PA9 |
PA10 |
N |
Blue Pill |
STM32F103C8T6 |
PA9 |
PA10 |
Y |
Shenzhen LC mini STM32 |
STM32F103C8T6 |
PA9 |
PA10 |
Y |
STM Nucleo L152RE |
STM32L152RE |
PA9 |
PA10 |
Y |
STM F3 Discovery |
STM32F303VCT6 |
PA9 |
PA10 |
N |
STM Nucleo 401RE |
STM32F401RE |
PA2 |
PA3 |
Y |
STM F429 Discovery |
STM32F429ZIT6 |
PA9 |
PA10 |
N |
STM F4 Discovery |
STM32F407VGT6 |
PA2 |
PA3 |
Y |
Forth USB driver by Jan Bramcamp Oct 2021 |
STM Nucleo 411RE |
STM32F411RET6 |
PA2 |
PA3 |
Y |
STM L476 Discovery |
STM32L476VG |
PD5 |
PD6 |
Y |
STM F746 Discovery |
STM32F746NG |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Freescale Freedom FRDM?KL25Z |
KL25Z128VLK4 |
? |
? |
Y |
KL46Z256 |
KL46Z256 |
? |
? |
Y |
Teensy 3.1 |
MK20DX256VLH7 |
Pin3 |
Pin2 |
? |
Pin18/19 CTS/RTS |
nRFgo Starter Kit |
nRF51822 |
? |
? |
? |
? |
nRF52832 |
nRF52832 |
P02 |
P03 |
? |
NUC123 |
NUC123 |
? |
? |
? |
64pin and 48pin only |
Infineon XMC2GO |
XMC1100Q024F0064 |
? |
? |
? |
? |
EFM32 Giant Gecko |
EFM32GG990F1024 |
? |
? |
? |
? |
See your mecrisp-stellaris-x.x.x/README for how to Flash your chip.
Note: Direct MCU USB access¶
Some MCU’s offer on chip USB peripherals for which Mecrisp-Sterllaris has limited support (see the list above).
Compared to using a direct MCU USB connection, using the MCU USART and a USB/3.3volt dongle may initially seem redundant but Forth project development involves regular resetting/rebooting of the MCU (as one screws up the hardware configs).
Resetting the MCU kills the USB peripheral which causes the USB device to be lost at the PC level with the subsequent death of the PC terminal application.
With a USB/3.3volt dongle, you can reset the MCU as much as you like and your terminal application will stay blissfully ignorant and happy. You still have the convenience of USB with a USB/3.3volt dongle.