Tp Ide @ 5jul22¶
A quick look at my current Forth development IDE state.

Window Description¶
Left: SWDCOM interactive SWD Terminal showing a STM32F0 Disco reading a TI LMT-01 temperature sensor on my desk. Swdcom does not use a serial USART on the MCU so it is clock and baud speed independent, instead it uses the STM32 SWD pins.
Top Right: GVIM editing the source files. When I click on the ‘Make’ Icon, the source is :
Stripped of comments
Analysed for dependencies by GEMA which are then inserted into the source upload as preamble (in the ‘includes.fs’ file).
Bottom Right: A SQLite PLANG database containing all the Bitfield information I need when building a STM32F051 project. This is automatically transformed from the factory SVD for the MCU and also transforms the pattern files needed by GEMA.