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Learning Modules - Blinkies¶
This page will eventually present a number of STM32F0 Discovery board blinkies for you to work thru. Each one has a descriptive page explaining the operation.
Things You Will Need¶
A STM32F0 Discovery Board
Don’t forget the tech manuals!

Alternately you can use a standalone STM32F0xx MCU on a homemade or header board

Mecrisp-Stellaris Forth
See https://sourceforge.net/projects/mecrisp/files/ to download the latest version for Cortex-M processors; mecrisp-stellaris-X.x.x.tar.gz, get the one with the most recent date.
Refer to: methods for flashing Mecrisp-Stellaris Forth onto your board or chip.
A Serial Terminal Emulator
A serial terminal emulator running on a PC which provides the Forth REPL user interface. Also needed will be a serial 3.3v to USB dongle

Advanced Only: Use SWDCOM to access the REPL using the MCU SWD pins connected to a SWD/USB interface like this $5 Chinese one.

Or Make your own SWD/USB Interface from a $2 Blue Pill
SVD2DB, a Peripheral Configuration Search Tool
SVD2DB is a search tool for STM32F0xx CMSIS-SVD Register names, *Register Memory Addresses, Register Access Rights, BitWidths, BitOffsets, and description fields*. This assists the createion of programs like blinky-1.fs, and greatly reduces searching thru the Technical Manual for this information.

All set up and ready ?? You should now have a terminal window open that looks somewhat like the picture below.

a PDF window with the STM32F051 Reference Manual RM0091 open
a SVD2DB (readdb) window open
Learning Modules¶
For portable code, a much better approach is to define application APIs in a generic way, like init_system_timer(), and then implement this function in a platform specific way using registers.
The only module so far.
\ Program Name: blinky-1.fs for Mecrisp-Stellaris by Matthias Koch
\ This program blinks a green led, it's the simplest of 'blinkies'
\ Hardware: STM32F0 Discovery board
\ Author: T.Porter
\ Version 5183fa45
\ Enable GPIO's A,B,C,D and F in RCC_AHBENR
1 17 lshift
1 18 lshift
1 19 lshift
1 20 lshift
1 22 lshift
+ + + + $40021014 BIS!
\ Set GPIOC_MODER_MODER9 to general purpose output mode
%01 18 lshift $48000800 bis!
\ Delay 500000 loops because the MCU is so fast, without it the LED would only appear dimly lit, with no visible flashing.
: delay 500000 0 do loop ;
\ Set GPIOC_BSRR_BS9 to 1 <-- note the BS9, This Sets GPIOC9
: green-led.on %1 9 lshift $48000818 ! ;
\ Set GPIOC_BSRR_BR9 to 1 <-- note the BR9, This Resets GPIOC9
: green-led.off %1 25 lshift $48000818 ! ;
: blink
\ enter "blink" to start the blinky, reset the board to stop it
Download blinky-1a.fs–> Download blinky-1a.fs
Operation of blinky-1a.fs –> blinky-1a Explained